新东方在线-李盛 强化进阶新SAT写作 [视频] [课件]
教程标签:SAT, 李盛, 新东方在线, 英语培训,
教程大小: 2.6G
├──Part1 About the redesigned SAT Essay
| ├──50_1_1.1 About the redesigned SAT Essay.mp4 79.76M
| ├──50_2_1.2 Essay Prompt1 in Detail.mp4 61.89M
| ├──50_3_1.3 Part3 Essay Prompt2 in Detail.mp4 7.93M
| ├──50_4_1.4 习题练习OG732_ Let There Be Dark.mp4 92.61M
| └──50_5_1.5 The Summary of Part1.mp4 6.13M
├──Part2 Paraphrase&Summarize
| ├──51_1_2.1 Unit One Paraphrase.mp4 153.53M
| ├──51_2_2.2 Unit One Summarize.mp4 47.79M
| └──51_3_2.3 The Summary of Part2.mp4 3.45M
├──Part3 Searching for Eveidence
| ├──52_1_3.1 What Counts As Evidence.mp4 46.36M
| └──52_2_3.2 How to Analyze Evidence.mp4 224.26M
├──Part4 Reasoning
| ├──53_1_4.1 Reasoning and Reasoning Methods.mp4 5.54M
| ├──53_2_4.2 Patterns of Organization.mp4 103.10M
| └──53_3_4.3 Counterargument.mp4 39.61M
├──Part5 Stylistic Elements
| ├──54_1_5.1 Requirement of the test.mp4 9.42M
| ├──54_2_5.2 Denotation and connotation.mp4 32.91M
| └──54_3_5.3 Common Rhetorical Devices.mp4 185.91M
├──Part6 Essay Rubric
| └──55_1_6.1 The College Board’s Rubric.mp4 128.22M
├──Part7(A) Writing Steps
| └──56_1_7.0 Writing Steps.mp4 226.03M
├──Part7(B) Approaching the Essay
| ├──57_1_7.1 Essay Basics.mp4 15.13M
| └──57_2_7.2 Structing an Essay.mp4 96.48M
| ├──58_10_Passage4 (1-6).mp4 81.25M
| ├──58_11_Passage4 (7-12).mp4 131.07M
| ├──58_12_范文讲解.mp4 33.86M
| ├──58_13_Passage5 (1-12).mp4 75.57M
| ├──58_14_结语.mp4 1.10M
| ├──58_1_写作技巧复习.mp4 49.43M
| ├──58_2_Passage1 (1-6).mp4 98.93M
| ├──58_3_Passage1 (7-10).mp4 124.28M
| ├──58_4_范文讲解.mp4 32.23M
| ├──58_5_Passage2 (1-6).mp4 109.74M
| ├──58_6_Passage2 (7-9).mp4 127.54M
| ├──58_7_范文讲解.mp4 69.71M
| ├──58_8_Passage3 (1-4).mp4 192.46M
| └──58_9_范文讲解.mp4 24.35M
└──新SAT写作 讲义
| └──新SAT写作讲义-李盛.pdf 1.85M